Measuring internet use across the UK

Ipsos iris is the official source for Online Audience Measurement in the UK from January 2021.
The Ipsos iris Research Panel has been set up by Ipsos in conjunction with the governing body for UK Online Measurement (UKOM) in order to provide a total view of how people aged 12 or over in the United Kingdom use the internet.
To join the Ipsos iris panel simply:
Answer a few questions to see if you’re eligible.
Download our app or software onto your smartphones, tablets and computers.
Fill in a short questionnaire giving us some information about you, your household and your internet activity.
Join now
If you would like to join the panel but haven’t received an invite from one of our partners, or haven’t entered our eligibility survey previously, then please click join now to start the process.

Ready to get started?
Find instructions on how to install your device

Need to know more?
Learn more before taking part

Ipsos iris is a research panel of 10,000 active participants from all over the United Kingdom to build a full and comprehensive view of how people use their devices to interact with apps and websites.
These participants allow Ipsos, to measure what websites they visit and apps they use daily, in a way that is safe and secure.
Our bespoke software runs in the background, securely collecting information about the apps and websites you visit on your smartphones, tablets and computers. It does this without affecting the way your devices work.
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