
Woman sitting with laptop and smartphone

Below you’ll find the most recently published UKOM endorsed Ipsos iris data (November 2024) from the UK’s top 20 online group properties. Online group properties are all the websites and apps owned by that company, e.g. “Alphabet” includes all the websites and apps owned by Google.

Information collected from the Ipsos iris panel is scaled up to be nationally representative and used to generate this data.


Table Definitions
Audience (000s) Number of visitors to the group of websites in the month (in thousands)
Audience reach (%) Percentage of all online users who visit the group of websites in the month
Total Minutes (MM) Minutes spent on each website group by all visitors combined in the month (in millions)
Avg.Mins pp Average number of minutes spent on the website group per visitor in a month
Page Views (MM) Number of times the group of websites was viewed in total in the month (In millions)

Source: Ipsos iris Online Audience Measurement Service, November 2024

Base - All aged 15+ years using PC/Laptop, smartphone or tablet device(s) in that month*

*NB Duration (Total Mins (MM) & Avg. Mins PP) not measured for websites or apps running in device background/'out of focus'