
Privacy notice for children, age 12-15
Who are we?
We are Ipsos, a research company and the people responsible for the study we are asking you to join.
This notice is here to tell you about how we use and keep information about you safe. We sometimes call the information we collect “data”.
What is the research project about?
The Ipsos iris research panel has been set up to understand how people aged 12 or over in the UK use the internet.
There are 10,000 members of the Ipsos iris panel who have agreed to take part in this research. By joining the Ipsos iris panel, you allow Ipsos, in a safe and secure way, to measure what websites you visit and apps you use every day. This is done by Ipsos asking you to download an app. Once you have done this and you are on the panel, you don’t need to do anything else, the information is collected automatically.
For any further information, please ask your parent to talk you through the Adult Privacy Notice on:
BI Worldwide
For taking part in this research, we want to thank you with a rewards programme. You will need to register with our partner BI Worldwide to receive the reward points. While on the panel you will build up points and you can exchange them for lots of products from the BI Worldwide catalogue.
Why is it important to take part?
Your help is really valuable in helping Ipsos understand how the internet is used across the UK on smartphones, tablets and computers. This information will help companies understand who is visiting their website or using their app. This allows companies to make decisions about the best content to include in their websites and apps.
The information collected is for Market Research purposes only.
Why was I selected to take part?
An adult in your household who was already taking part in the Ipsos iris panel has informed us that you may also be interested in joining. One of your parents will need to agree for you to take part.
Will anyone see my answers?
Only the researchers at Ipsos will see your answers and they will handle them carefully.
What happens if I do not want to take part?
You do not have to join the Ipsos iris panel if you do not want to. If there are any questions you do not want to answer, you can select the ‘Prefer not to say’ option. You do not have to participate in the survey if you do not want to. If you leave after starting to participate, we may have to keep your name and contact details while we finish the study so we can make sure you don’t participate twice but you can ask us to delete everything if you would prefer.
If you join the Ipsos iris panel and then decide you want to leave, you may leave the panel at any time by clicking the unsubscribe button found at the bottom of the emails you receive from us.
Alternatively, you or your parents can send an email to to ask to be deleted and you will be deleted from our panel list.
How long will Ipsos keep my information?
Ipsos will only keep your information in a way that tells people who you are for as long as you stay on the panel. You can leave the panel at any time you wish.
Your contact information will be held for the duration of the panel or until you ask to be deleted. This is to help us make sure you don’t participate twice.
How does Ipsos keep my information safe?
All our information security measures comply with the latest confidentiality rules and regulations, therefore Ipsos will keep your information locked and protected.
What happens to the results?
A summary of all the answers collected from everyone who participates will be shared at presentations and in reports. These summaries will not show your individual survey answers or let people know who you are.
The data being collected from your devices will be used for market research purposes only. It will be combined with data from thousands of other devices on the panel to create one large dataset. We will never report which websites and apps you personally visit. The app DOES NOT record any phone calls, it also does not collect the content of any emails or text messages you send or receive.
My rights
You can decide if you participate or not. You and your parent or legal guardian need to agree – “consent” – and you can change your mind and decide to stop answering the questions at any point or ask to leave the Ipsos iris panel whenever you want to.
You have the right to see the information we have about you until we delete it.
You also have the right to correct any information about you that we have if it is not correct.
If you want to exercise your rights, please contact us or ask an adult to contact us.
If you have any complaints, we will appreciate it if you, or an adult, talks to us first, but you always have the right to contact the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), if you are worried about how we have used your information. You can find details about how to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at or by sending an email to:
Where will my personal data be kept?
All your personal information obtained during this study will be kept securely in our Ipsos panel database which is located in UK and EEA.
How can I contact Ipsos about this survey and/or my personal information?
You or a trusted adult can use the below information to contact us:
Email with ‘21-100406-01. Ipsos iris’ in the email subject line
Ipsos iris, Data Protection Officer, Compliance Department, Ipsos MORI UK Limited, 3 Thomas More Square, London, E1W 1YW, United Kingdom
How can I find out more about the survey?
If you are worried about anything in the survey, please talk to an adult you trust such as your parent(s), your guardian(s) or a teacher. If you or your parents have any questions, please contact the Ipsos research team using the telephone number or email address at the top of this information sheet.
Where can I get help or advice about any of the topics in the survey?
If you don’t have anyone you can speak to, the sources below may be useful.
CHILDLINE: 0800 11 11
A confidential and free helpline which will not appear on a phone bill. You can also go online for a 1-2-1 instant messenger chat with someone who is there to listen and support you at
The Mix: 0808 808 4994
Free confidential advice and support for young people. You can call them or get advice via webchat at
Changes to our Privacy Policy
We keep our privacy policy under regular review, and we let you know of any updates. Our privacy policy was last updated on: 05/12/2022